Who’s behind Librarian Design Share?
Why should I submit my work to Librarian Design Share?
Can anyone submit their work to Librarian Design Share?
What kinds of design work should I submit?
Will my designs be available for others to download and adapt?
Can I ask for feedback on a design through Librarian Design Share?

Who’s behind Librarian Design Share?

Naomi Gonzales, Web Management Librarian at the University of Houston-Downtown, and Jess Denke, Assessment and Outreach Librarian at Muhlenberg College, are two self-proclaimed generalists who love creative, engaging design.  They inherited Librarian Design Share from its creators in the spring of 2018.  April Aultman Becker, Dean of Library and Information Technologies at Sul Ross State University, and Veronica Arellano Douglas, Instruction Coordinator at the University of Houston Libraries, began this repository in 2012.

Why should I submit my work to Librarian Design Share?

You worked hard on your design. We get it. We know that you agonized over every color, line placement, pixel width and font selection. It’s time to show off your amazing work and help inspire other library creatives who may be struggling with design block on a similar project. By submitting your work to Librarian Design Share, you’re helping to build an online repository of fantastic examples of library-related design projects.

Can anyone submit their work to Librarian Design Share?

We’re looking for work created by librarians, library staff, and library students to promote (you guessed it) libraries and all that go with them (collections, services, people, etc.). So if you fall into one of the above mentioned categories, go ahead and submit your design.

What kinds of design work should I submit?

We’re interested in (but not limited to) the following kinds of design work:

  • Flyers & Advertisements
  • Displays
  • General Handouts & Brochures
  • Giveaways
  • Infographics
  • Instructional Materials
  • Library Signage
  • Logos
  • Slideshow Templates
  • Web Design
  • Works in Progress (feel free to ask for opinions or suggestions)

Will my designs be available for others to download and adapt?

All work published on Librarian Design Share is covered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. This means that others will be free to copy, adapt, and distribute your work for non-commercial purposes as long as they attribute the original work to you and make their own resulting work available under a similar ShareAlike license. For more information about this license, visit Creative Commons.

Typically, we will post a photo or image of your design work along with your name and email address with instructions to contact you for the original file. It helps us save server space and helps connect you with others who are interested in your designs.

Can I ask for feedback on a design through Librarian Design Share?

Absolutely! We’re happy to post works-in-progress for people who would feedback on their designs. Just be sure to include any questions with your designs so that people can post their responses.