
Librarian Design Share

inspiration for library creatives


social media

Publicizing Social Media Accounts

Follow the Michigan Tech Archives on Social Media - bookmark side twoLike so many libraries and archives, the Michigan Technological University Archives was trying to publicize their Twitter account to their campus community. Their solution? A web advertisement on the library homepage and a great bookmark. Sawyer Newman, Communications and Research Assistant at Michigan Tech’s J. Robert Van Pelt and John & Ruanne Opie Library, created the bookmark to publicize the Archive’s new Twitter account and remind patrons of their other social media accounts.

Side one of the bookmark (above) is also a digital slide within the library and on the library’s homepage. Side two (left) includes all of the Archive’s social media accounts for the community to follow.

You can find the PDF version of this bookmark along with the original Photoshop and Illustrator files on the Librarian Design Share Google Drive.

Social Media Organization

Today’s post is a slight departure from our design focus, but given the significant overlap between the folks who read Librarian Design Share and the people responsible for their library’s social media accounts, it’s still highly appropriate!Ā Ashley ChassĆ©, Access Services Lending Technology Associate atĀ the Boston College Oā€™Neill LibraryĀ was kind enough to share the content calendar she uses to manage social media postings with Librarian Design Share readers, known as The Super Awesome Social Media Content Calendar.

Continue reading “Social Media Organization”

Our Love Affair with Canva Continues…

Connecting with Freshman

iphone bookmark frontiphone bookmark back

If you’re an academic librarian, late summer is (among other things) the time for Fall Semester prep. Lindsey Gumb, Web & Digital Services Specialist at Roger Williams University Library has created these cute bookmarks to give away to freshman and new students in the fall. Here’s Lindsey in her own words:

I recently designed a “bookmark” to be passed out to incoming freshmen to promote our social media and to give them a quick “cheat sheet” link to all the ways to connect with us. We’re new to really using social media to connect with our students, so we want to make sure we promote as much as we can. This bookmark is just one way we’re doing that! It was designed using Photoshop CS5, and I have the psd files for anyone that’s interested in seeing them. I’m not a graphic designer by any means, so the design is simple, but it works for us, and I’m happy to share!

Lindsey’s bookmarks also include a great adaptation of Michael Schofield’s mobile app icon for libraries, which was featured on the blog in February. It’s nice to see designs shared here reused and adapted!

For the original Photoshop files, email Lindsey.

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