Librarian Design Share is hosted by us, Naomi Gonzales and Jess Denke, and powered by design-minded librarians everywhere. It was started by April Aultman Becker and  Veronica Arellano Douglas in 2012.

Much of the work we do as librarians involves creating flyers, displays, handouts, websites and other designs that convey helpful information while looking good. Very few of us have any kind of formal design training, so we often rely on our own aesthetic preferences along with the opinions and ideas of colleagues.

April and Veronica decided that people who work in libraries really need a space to share their design work and gain inspiration from the work of others. In the spirit of Stephen X. Flynn’s awesome Open Cover Letters project, they wanted to create an open online repository of interesting library-related design.

Librarian Design Share is intended as a community of creativity for librarians, people who work in libraries, and library students. So contribute, comment, and share your designs!